Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Times Like this is why it pays to use proper building materials

"Snow Happens"

Ice and sleet with a coating of snow like we received yesterday is never fun. When you have an exposed sub-floor or wood framing, It can be even more worriesome. Using the proper components is a great way to mitigate the damage that could normally be done with weather like this! Advanced subfloor sheathing products that use an engineered wood composition and high quality adhesives and epoxies in its manufacture are able to better resist the application of ice and sleet that falls on it.
With a forecast of prolonged freezing tempratures they are also better able to withstand the freeze/thaw and mositure exposure too, compared to the typical plywood type sheathings which are notorious for thier de-lamination and edge swell (and call backs, cost to fix, etc.) caused by weather issues.

Using a pin-type moisture meter

A vigilant moisture management program in your construction process goes a very long way in assuring components have dried to the proper moisture content prior to covering. Taking just a little time to use an inexpensive hand held moisture meter and checking materials prior to covering with insulation, drywall, finish flooring etc. Can pay mold and other moisture related problem prevention dividends for the life of the home or building!

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